EigenStrat Consulting

Data-driven insights and business experience to support your strategic decision-making

Go-to-market strategy

and market expansion

Market research and benchmarking, voice of the customer analysis, product positioning, messaging, and sales & distribution strategy


Long-range strategic planning


Long-term strategy and operational plan development across the business



M&A transaction advisory


Business case development and valuation, due diligence, negotiation, term sheet review, and other stages in the transaction lifecycle

Post-merger integration support

& PMO office

Definition of the strategic objectives of integration, organizational structure development, integration plan creation (incl. Day 1 checklist, synergy capture initiatives, and communications plan), plan execution (incl. development of integration playbook), and tracking and measurement of progress through the PMO office

Growth acceleration


New growth opportunities in adjacent markets, growth playbook creation, market opportunity assessment, business case development, operational plan creation and execution support, and monitoring of progress against plan



Business transformation


Process optimization, operational cost reduction, technology benchmarking and adoption roadmap development, creation of institutional centers of excellence to optimize business operations and drive greater innovation and sharing of leading practices across the business


Case Studies

What we've done

M&A transaction due diligence

for high-tech manufacturing company

Large-scale commercial due diligence involving interviews with more than 500 business customers and distribution partners

Commercial business model innovation

for medical device technology company

Commercial business model innovation by greater monetization of healthcare IP assets and expansion to market adjacencies

What we're thinking

MC2 framework

Leverage the Market - Customer - Competition analysis framework to focus on key go-to-market questions and gather insights quickly

Confidence intervals

Use confidence intervals to quickly grasp the precision of your insights - how certain you are - and communicate it quickly